Mr. Ubaid Ullah
Morning, Afternoon
3 Months
PKR 30000/-
Brief introduction
Python is a general-purpose language, which means it’s designed to be used in a range of applications, including data science, software and web development, automation, and generally getting stuff done.
In this 2-month course, students will learn from fundamentals to advance concepts with hands-on practical tasks given by the instructor after that students will be able to work on real projects.
- Intro
- Getting Started
- Installing Python, Syntax
- Indentation
- Variables
- Comments, Variables
- Create
- Assign Value
- Assign Multiple Values
- Local Variable
- Global Variable, Numbers
- Integer
- Float
- Complex, Casting
- What is type casting
- Examples
- Strings
- Intro
- Slice Strings
- Concatenate Strings
- Format Strings
- Escape Characters
- String Methods
- Boolean Operators
- What are Boolean Operators
- Uses of Boolean Operators, Operators
- Arithmetic
- Assignment
- Comparison
- Logical
- Identity
- Membership
- Bitwise, List
- Intro
- Access Items
- Change Items
- Add Items
- Remove Items
- Nested List
- List Comprehension
- Other List Methods, Tuple
- Intro
- Access a Tuple
- Update a Tuple
- Unpack a Tuple
- Join Tuples
- Other Tuple Methods, Set
- Intro
- Access Items
- Add/Remove Items
- Join Sets
- Nested Sets
- Set Methods, Dictionary
- Intro
- Access Items
- Add/Remove Items
- Nested Dictionary
- Dictionary Methods
- If-Else
- Intro
- Conditional If
- Elif
- Else
- Short hand if
- Short hand if-else
- Nested if else, Loop
- Intro
- While loop
- Break Statement
- Continue Statement
- For Loop
- Looping Through Strings
- Print Sequence Data type using loop
- Range Function
- Nested Loop, Functions
- Intro
- Create a Function
- Calling a Function
- Arguments/Parameters of a Function
- Passing a Sequence Data Type as Argument to a Function
- Recursion
- Pass Statement, Modules
- Intro
- Famous Modules
- How to use Modules, Array
- Intro
- Create an Array
- Access Elements
- Looping Through an Array
- Add/Remove Elements
- Array Methods, Class
- Intro to OOP
- Class
- Object
- init Function
- Self-Parameter
- Object Methods
- Modify or Delete Object Properties
- Delete Objects
- Inheritance
- Intro
- Parent Class
- Child Class
- Super () Function, PIP
- Intro
- Installing Modules using PIP, Try Except
- Intro
- Exception Handling
- The Many Exception
- Finally
- User Input
- Intro
- Taking Input from the User
- Feeding User Input into Functions, Tkinter
- Intro
- Making window
- Widgets
- PyQt5
- Intro
- Making window
- Widgets
- DataBase
- Intro
- Create
- Alter
- Delete, Project
- Windows application front-end and back-end